Welcome to the blog for Sweet Adeline Photography! It's a work in progress, so bear with me. I will be posting pics from recent sessions, as well as updates on this exciting new undertaking. Feel free to drop in, see what's new, and say hi!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I Have Moved!

Hi all! Exciting news...my website is finally up and running! I have relocated my blog there as well so it's all in one place. Please visit me at http://sweetadelinephoto.com/. Thanks for your continued support!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Welcome Baby Sophia!

I got to meet my new baby cousin Sophia the other day! And of course, our meeting wouldn't have been complete without a mini photo shoot. Daddy is a firefighter and has been hard at work for the past few weeks (especially with the Camarillo Springs fire we had recently), so only Mommy and Baby Sophia were able to make it that day, but I can't wait to photograph the whole family very soon (including proud big brother Levi!). What's even more exciting is that the family lives minutes away from us, so photo opps abound! Welcome to the family, sweet Sophia!
1) Went to the Strawberry Festival today in Oxnard for the first time, it was berry fun (yep, I went there).
2) My cousin Jen (mama of sweet Sophia), an organizer and interior designer, is designing a sewing/crafting area for me. I am SO EXCITED to get crafty in a customized space that inspires me! 
3) Banana Chocolate spread from Cost Plus World Market. Think banana Nutella swirl spread. Oh my goodness. 
4) Lots of visits with friends planned for the coming week! 
5) Family movie night tonight- Monsters Inc. with our big girl :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

A Little Angel is Coming!

Yes, the pun in my title is intentional- we've got an Angels fan cookin'! And he's almost ready to come out. I had the pleasure of shooting these two (and one very cute bump) yesterday afternoon. We had a lot of fun on the beautiful Corriganville Park trail and the ball field. I know Dad can't wait to have a buddy to take along to games! Here are some of my favorites from the session.
1) Biscoff spread- basically the same thing as Trader Joe's cookie butter (MIA for months now, boo) but even creamier!! YUM
2) Baby Shiloh is cooing and smiling up a storm these days <3
3) My Mom is coming up for a visit tomorrow, yippee!!
4) Thank goodness for good neighbors- when I spotted a giant SNAKE in my backyard this week and hubby was at school, my neighbor called me immediately and offered to send her firefighter husband over to get it (the snake had slithered away by then, but it made me feel better!)
5) Adeline is potty-trained! Woohoo!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Shiloh is 1 Month Old!

Shiloh turned 1 month yesterday! I can't believe how time flies. I documented the growth of my firstborn by posing her on the same brown micro-suede chair in just a diaper every month until her 2nd birthday, and I wanted to do something similar for Shiloh. Although I knew next to nothing about photography when Adeline was born, and her early monthly photos are terrible, I still love looking back through those photos and seeing how much she changed and developed over her first two years. Though Shiloh's monthly photos will definitely be "better" technically speaking, Adeline's will certainly be no less cherished by me.

Today I Am 1 Month Old!
The adorable baby milestone monthly update cards are courtesy of my good friend Melissa Ritacco. Check out her blog: http://melissaritacco.blogspot.com/ and follow her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melissaritaccopapergoods?fref=ts (you can also see some photos of her and her adorable little family in the November archives of my blog, from their holiday photo shoot: http://sweetadelinephoto.blogspot.com/2012/11/a-california-christmas.html).

Also, my friend Kristen, an amazingly talented photographer whom I have been lucky enough to have as my mentor, introduced me to an idea on her own blog (follow her here: http://kapturedbykristenphotography.com/blog/) that many bloggers do called "grace in the small things" or something similar. It's not an original idea by any stretch- it's basically just taking a minute to appreciate the joy brought about by the seemingly little or insignificant things in our day-to-day lives- but I love it and want to incorporate it into my blog. So, at the end of each post, you will find my "P.S." section, where I will list 5 things that I have found particularly comforting, enjoyable, or just worthy of sharing that week. I hope you enjoy reading them!

1) I have two photo shoots lined up in the next few months- a maternity shoot and an engagement session! I am SO excited! I haven't been shooting much since having Shiloh and I'm jonesing to pick up the camera! ;)
2) Wearing sweet baby Shiloh in the Ergo carrier, bouncing on the exercise ball and listening to her snore while I blog <3
3)Trader Joe's Dukkah Nut & Spice Blend- a savory Egyptian mix that is absolutely DELISH on crusty bread dipped in olive oil. Yum!
4) Had a fun family night out tonight- dinner at Bandit's Bar & Grill, benefiting the Ventura County Fire Dept. Widows, Orphans, & Assistance Fund. Our 1st dinner out as a family of 4!
5) Feeling especially lucky to have such an awesome husband who has been giving sweet Adeline some extra attention lately while I feed and tend to Shiloh around the clock.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Presenting Our New Little Princess!

I don't think I could have had a more perfect or fitting subject for my first ever newborn shoot...my very own newborn! I did have a little help with posing and getting my 2-year-old to cooperate, but I think it went pretty well for my first newborn shoot. Well, I guess it's hard to go wrong with a face this sweet ;)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Announcing Baby Shiloh!

Sweet Adeline has a baby sister! Shiloh Lark Roberts, born 3/23/13. Here is our little Shiloh bunny. More photos to come- newborn shoot happening soon ;)
Happy Easter from Sweet Adeline Photography!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Little Sweetheart

Yesterday, I took a few shots of my sweet little neighbor on one of the many beautiful walking trails near our new home. I'm so happy that there's a little girl who is almost exactly the same age as Adeline living two doors down from us! I see many play dates in our future. I also see a lot of photo shoots...she was the sweetest, happiest little model! Miss Kaylynn just turned 2 on Valentine's Day, which is fitting because she's such a sweet little love :)